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Thursday, October 3, 2013

The buck stops here

That's me to the left. The picture was taken about two years ago.  I chose it because it shows I'm pretty crazy. I'm also the one, when something goes wrong, has to fix it or get it fixed. The buck stops with me. I'm the highest level of this very short corporate ladder.

And I'm just not used to it. My dad took care of me and everything around me. I mean everything. He took care of the bills, the lawn, the painting, the garbage, etc., etc., etc. And that's what I've come to expect, that someone else will take care of me.

Sometimes I just don't understand why it doesn't work that way. For the last several months, I've been trying to get someone (anyone) to change out the water filter in the shop. A month would go by and it wasn't changed out. I'd ask about it and It was too tight to get off they said. So finally yesterday, I tried myself to do it. And it was just too tight to get it off. So I called my favorite plumber. 
And then in the middle of the night as I lay there wondering why I could not get anyone to change out the stupid filter, I realized that I could do it myself. I would just take it apart. And so this morning, that's what I set out to do. Change it myself! And I did! It took some work. I dismantled the water lines going in and out of the filter. I removed the entire filter from the cabinet. I leveraged it between two shelving units and put all my weight behind it to get the top off to remove the filter. And it came off. I removed the old filter and put the new one in it's place. And I reconnected it. And it works.
It is empowering. I feel empowered. I like the feeling. I mean really I couldn't go all day without a good cup of coffee. Could I?
Living the Sweet Life,
Sweet Mona

“May the impression I leave today be the inspiration that moves mountains tomorrow.”  

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